As u all know that i have been attending school since four weeks ago. Since second week of the school (mummy accompany me throughout the first week in school), i started to cry everyday when on the way, upon reaching school, upon seeing my teachers and when mummy leave me.
My separation anxiety started to get worse since this monday. (maybe after 3 days of rest?) I refused to wear my uniform since monday until yesterday. Then this morning, when kakak told me to wear my uniform, i said ok! Mummy was happy cause at least some improvement can be seen and to mummy's surprise, i didn't fuss /cry when on the way to school. And also i didnt cry when i saw my teachers where normally i will. So mummy happily sms daddy telling him about this good news :-)
As usual, mummy come and fetch me around 2.35pm and when i saw mummy, i was happy and mummy immediately take out a multivitamin tablet for me but i told mummy " yu-fei don't want" where normally i will eat and ask for it everyday. Then mummy offered me another snacks and i refused too. Then mummy sense something is wrong and told me, let's go home now, but i refused to go home!!! I am a stubborn boy and refused to walk and rather stand on the same spot. Mummy asked me why i refused to go home and i said i want to look for teacher, Ms Doris, and no matter how hard mummy tried to asked me to go home, i still refused and i just screamed and cry and until bo bian, mummy brought me up to look for Ms Doris and after Ms Doris talk to me, i seems to agreed to go home. But upon reaching downstairs, again, i refused to go home. Mummy was sooooo angry and she just walk away, so i screamed and cry but still refused to move!! I think mummy's blood is boiling but she had no choice, impossible to leave me alone and it was so hot in the afternoon. So after almost 45mins of struggling, i willing to go home by taking a bus and have to walk a longer route than usual!
For the past week i refused to go to school but today, i refused to come back! Mummy is wondering what am i thinking sometimes.. Or am i testing mummy's patient!
Fyi, this few weeks has been tough on mummy cause i am just a stubborn boy and no matter what methods she tried on me, it doesn't works most of the time. She has been sending me to school by bus, by taxi, by car where we can just walk to school within 10mins! Even the taxi uncle was smiling and shake his head and said "childrens nowadays are hard to control".. Or perhaps mummy's technique/methods are not creative enough for me? And also i am a well-known boy in the school where other mummies will smiles and shake their head sometimes when they saw me crying/screaming in the school.. But all the teachers says i show good improvement cause my cry only last for seconds after daddy/mummy left me in the school. In fact i enjoyed my class and love my teachers, is just the part "going to school" seems to give mummy problems.